Happy June to everyone! It’s true writing is never easy, but I am writing! Bound in Smoke is (dare I say it?) structurally complete. For quite some time I had chapters that were dangling out there not fully belonging. I wasn’t looking at them much because I was addressing other issues and writing new chapters. […]
May Greetings! The WIP and a New Cover
The WIP Bound in Smoke continues to go really well. The paper read-through was productive up to the point where I stopped editing to deal with the changes that resulted. Those needed to be in before I pick up with the back half of the story, so there was no point going farther with the […]
Shame on Scholastic Books
Scholastic: Money before Honor Author Maggie Tokuda-Hall wrote a Children’s picture book titled Love In the Library, a story based on her grandparents and the US internment of Americans of Japanese descent during World War II. The book is published by Candlewick Press. Scholastic inquired about licensing the book for distribution in their channels, but […]
Spring is Springing!
Greetings everyone! This was a week of spectacular weather after a couple of days of light rain. A few of the many wildflowers I planted are coming up so fingers crossed that continues. Everything is starting to bloom! Yay for April and spring weather. Yesterday I took the dogs for their walk and it was […]
A Wednesday Post About Weather and Writing
Weather: We Have It. Greetings to everyone! California has been in severe drought for the last several years which has been scary and sad. We’d stopped planting our yearly tulips because even with a six week rest in the fridge before planting they require February frost and freezes, and for the past 2-3 years we […]
They’re On Sale Now!
My Wicked Enemy and My Forbidden Desire Are on sale everywhere! I am so, so happy this day has finally come. For a limited time, both books are $0.99. On April 15th the price for My Forbidden Desire goes up. All the books have been updated in line with the editorial changes I made in […]
Quick My Immortals Update
My Immortals Update! I have uploaded the files for My Wicked Enemy and My Forbidden Desire, and I am waiting for the various vendors to get the books on sale. Amazon has my reversion letters but how soon they’ll realize that and put the books on sale is anyone’s guess. Once all the vendors have […]
Good News!
As many of you know, I have been impatiently waiting for the official reversion for My Forbidden Desire. Well, today my wonderful agent forwarded it to me which means that I now officially control all the books in the My Immortals series! Yippeee!!! I have started the uploading process but it will be a few […]
February News
Happy 2023: No Unicorns I hope everyone is having a lovely, safe, and healthy 2023. Here at Jewel HQ we’re doing OK. It rained yesterday but no atmospheric rivers. We had some visiting cows from the neighbor but I got that sorted. I am disappointed that the mysterious hoof prints we found were left by […]
January News
Carolyn Jewel: Water Engineer? I live in Northern California which is currently being hit by a series of atmospheric rivers and high winds. So far we have some downed trees, but no damage that needs to be addressed on an emergency basis. Most of the back roads are closed due to flooding, so going anywhere […]