Updates About Various Stuff

Status of Bound in Smoke I have been doing a paper read through before sending the MS out for first round editing. Chapter 7 was boring so I rewrote that chapter and made changes in Chapters 1-6 to support those changes. I ended up reworking the opening to Chapter 1 a lot– like many times […]

Saying Goodbye to 2024

Goodbye 2024. You had your ups and downs that’s for sure. My writing mojo came back this year. I’m not entirely sure why though no doubt it was a combination of things; Getting my sleep habits under control, letting go of the toxic impact of “Write At All Costs” syndrome, the passage of time and […]

Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays from Jewel HQ and Visiting Cat!   Visiting Cat aka Sammy decided to move in with us some months ago. She’s the sweetest cat who has gone from very skinny to distinctly shoebox shaped. The dogs are now used to her and the other cats are mostly resigned to her presence. She’s now […]

Status Report

I am on vacation for the next week and today I got through the last four chapters of Bound In Smoke (currently there are 34) and now everything is streamlined and progresses from A to Y. I did leave out Z because, as always, [emphasis definitely intended] I still have to write the last chapter […]

Questions. There Are Answers

Q: Hello Carolyn. Thank you for being here. A: You’re welcome! Q: Pantser or Plotter? A: Pantser. For those curious about what this means, a writer can be referred to as a pantser if they write “by the seat of their pants.” A plotter is someone who does a lot of outlining. Both terms are […]


To all who celebrate US Thanksgiving, Happy Thanksgiving. I’m grateful for good friends and for every who reads. Here is a picture of an acorn that I took a couple of days ago. Recently the oaks started dropping acorns so there are loads on the ground, all of them full of the hope of one […]

Winter Rains and Oh, hey! Writing!

Winter Rains: My Favorite TBH My part of California is currently in the middle of a stalled out atmospheric river that is dumping some truly impressive rain on the area. I’ve done some preventative water diversions so the driveway runoff doesn’t flood the neighbor’s backyard. I also had to release water from the pond because […]

That feeling . . .

I have been working on this set of edits to Bound in Smoke, and well, all I can say is that it’s good. Really, really good, and that is exciting news to share with everyone.

Torcs and the Infamous Harry Price

This article by Tess Machling et.al. is the most fun and interesting thing I’ve read in some time. It’s about the provenance of a torc found in Pulborough that comes with a history of an infamous forger. You could skip straight to the section on Harry Price and then decide if you want to read […]

My Brief Career as a Pony Wrangler

I need to set the scene. Our house is well off the main road with a quarter mile driveway. One side of our house parallels the main road and has sliding glass doors. Looking that direction, there is about 50 yards of field with a gentle downslope south to the fence between two neighbors below, […]

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