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by Mila Olsen
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Louisa hates Ash Springs and dreams of escape. On a trip to Sequoia National Park, she meets Brendan, but it's no chance encounter—he has planned her abduction. Taken to the Canadian wilderness, Louisa confronts terror and Brendan’s dark past. As days pass, conflicting emotions arise: Could she actually love her captor? How dangerous is Brendan really?

Quick Look
By Mila Olsen
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Louisa hates Ash Springs and dreams of escape. On a trip to Sequoia National Park, she meets Brendan, but it's no chance encounter—he has planned her abduction. Taken to the Canadian wilderness, Louisa confronts terror and Brendan’s dark past. As days pass, conflicting emotions arise: Could she actually love her captor? How dangerous is Brendan really?
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