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by Rhett Gervais
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184 5-star reviews! On the day that Julius Gaius Caesar crossed the Rubicon to end the Roman republic, the witch women of the Ose tribe had a vision of the future, and what they saw terrified them. To protect the world, they allied with the new dictator of Rome. In return for destroying his enemies and securing his empire, he would allow a single djambe to serve at his side, to use her magic to guard against the encroaching chaos they knew would one day come…

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By Rhett Gervais
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$0.99 @ AMAZON
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184 5-star reviews! On the day that Julius Gaius Caesar crossed the Rubicon to end the Roman republic, the witch women of the Ose tribe had a vision of the future, and what they saw terrified them. To protect the world, they allied with the new dictator of Rome. In return for destroying his enemies and securing his empire, he would allow a single djambe to serve at his side, to use her magic to guard against the encroaching chaos they knew would one day come…
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