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Eve's Covering
by Elsie McKenney
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Eve is troubled by the mysterious circumstances surrounding her cousin Alice’s death, but the police won’t take her seriously. When Eve’s family becomes entangled with a religious cult, she struggles with the ideas and leaders who now assume control over her life. But when her rebellion threatens the safety of her family, she gives in and joins the cult’s mission: an orphanage in the Soviet Union. Or, at least that’s the mission on the surface…

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Eve's Covering
By Elsie McKenney
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Eve is troubled by the mysterious circumstances surrounding her cousin Alice’s death, but the police won’t take her seriously. When Eve’s family becomes entangled with a religious cult, she struggles with the ideas and leaders who now assume control over her life. But when her rebellion threatens the safety of her family, she gives in and joins the cult’s mission: an orphanage in the Soviet Union. Or, at least that’s the mission on the surface…
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