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Sexy as Sin
by Rosalind James
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1,061 5-star reviews! Brett Hunter is good at money and bad at water. What's he doing, then, on an Australian beach in a custom-made Italian suit, up to his waist in the waves and helping a red-headed almost-mermaid save the day? Not being in control isn't any part of his life plan and neither is balling for mermaids. Also, serious men don't eat red Popsicles.

Quick Look
Sexy as Sin
By Rosalind James
Find out more:
1,061 5-star reviews! Brett Hunter is good at money and bad at water. What's he doing, then, on an Australian beach in a custom-made Italian suit, up to his waist in the waves and helping a red-headed almost-mermaid save the day? Not being in control isn't any part of his life plan and neither is balling for mermaids. Also, serious men don't eat red Popsicles.
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