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The Companion
by Kim Taylor Blakemore
Find out more: $1.99 @ AMAZON
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209 5-star reviews! They say she’s a murderess. She claims she’s innocent. But Lucy has been known to tell lies…1855, New Hampshire. Lucy Blunt is set to hang for a double murder. Murderess or victim? Only Lucy knows the truth. In the shadow of the gallows, Lucy reflects on the events that led to her bitter downfall—from the moment she arrived at the rambling Burton mansion looking for work and a better life to the grisly murders themselves…

Quick Look
The Companion
By Kim Taylor Blakemore
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$0.99 @ AMAZON
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209 5-star reviews! They say she’s a murderess. She claims she’s innocent. But Lucy has been known to tell lies…1855, New Hampshire. Lucy Blunt is set to hang for a double murder. Murderess or victim? Only Lucy knows the truth. In the shadow of the gallows, Lucy reflects on the events that led to her bitter downfall—from the moment she arrived at the rambling Burton mansion looking for work and a better life to the grisly murders themselves…
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