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Trinity's Fall
by PA Vasey
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The real war is just beginning…and we may already have lost. The Vu-Hak are here. In huge numbers. Invisible. Wraith-like. Has the closure of the wormhole and Adam Benedict's selfless act of sacrifice been in vain? Why has Dr Kate Morgan had her memory wiped? Where are Special Agent Colleen Stillman and FBI Director William Hubert?

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Trinity's Fall
By PA Vasey
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The real war is just beginning…and we may already have lost. The Vu-Hak are here. In huge numbers. Invisible. Wraith-like. Has the closure of the wormhole and Adam Benedict's selfless act of sacrifice been in vain? Why has Dr Kate Morgan had her memory wiped? Where are Special Agent Colleen Stillman and FBI Director William Hubert?
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