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Remember My Name
by Laurencia Hoffman
Find out more: $1.99 @ AMAZON
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Dark and twisted secrets mar Shane Coulter's skin, and darken his fragile heart. Yet he keeps his nightmarish truth hidden from all those he holds dear with a smart mouth and abrasive attitude. His first love, Callan Reid, refuses to accept Shane's tough exterior. Convinced something truly horrific lurks beneath Shane's defenses, Callan vows to uncover the truth. But some things are better left buried…

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Remember My Name
By Laurencia Hoffman
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$0.99 @ AMAZON
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Dark and twisted secrets mar Shane Coulter's skin, and darken his fragile heart. Yet he keeps his nightmarish truth hidden from all those he holds dear with a smart mouth and abrasive attitude. His first love, Callan Reid, refuses to accept Shane's tough exterior. Convinced something truly horrific lurks beneath Shane's defenses, Callan vows to uncover the truth. But some things are better left buried…
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