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The Fourth Monkey
by J. D. Barker
Find out more: $2.99 @ AMAZON
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575 5-star reviews. For five years, the Four Monkey Killer has terrorized Chicago. When his body is found, the police realize he was on his way to deliver one final message. As the lead investigator, Detective Sam Porter knows that the killer is far from finished. When he discovers a personal diary in the jacket pocket of the body, Porter finds himself caught up in the mind of a psychopath, unraveling a twisted history in hopes of finding the one last victim.

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The Fourth Monkey
By J. D. Barker
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$1.99 @ AMAZON
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575 5-star reviews. For five years, the Four Monkey Killer has terrorized Chicago. When his body is found, the police realize he was on his way to deliver one final message. As the lead investigator, Detective Sam Porter knows that the killer is far from finished. When he discovers a personal diary in the jacket pocket of the body, Porter finds himself caught up in the mind of a psychopath, unraveling a twisted history in hopes of finding the one last victim.
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