Quick Look
Not Forgiven
by Shawn Raiford
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Members of a street-gang sit in stolen car across the street from a sidewalk cafe. Chloe is a contract killer on her way to meet a friend for brunch when a dark-colored Mercedes pulls out onto the street slowly. From the car, men point guns out at the crowd, and begin firing. Instinctually, Chloe draws two pistols and returns fire. While Henry and Mitch close in on a serial killer, Chloe leaves a trail of dead bad guys in her search for the guilty.

Quick Look
Not Forgiven
By Shawn Raiford
Find out more:
Members of a street-gang sit in stolen car across the street from a sidewalk cafe. Chloe is a contract killer on her way to meet a friend for brunch when a dark-colored Mercedes pulls out onto the street slowly. From the car, men point guns out at the crowd, and begin firing. Instinctually, Chloe draws two pistols and returns fire. While Henry and Mitch close in on a serial killer, Chloe leaves a trail of dead bad guys in her search for the guilty.
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