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Quick Look
by Vanessa Garden
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Seventeen-year-old Miranda has harboured a dark secret that has strained the relationship she once shared with her sister. Before Miranda gets a chance to confess her secret, she’s dragged underwater by a mysterious stranger. Nineteen-year-old Marko is the arrogant king of an underwater city who intends to marry Miranda to keep his crown. There’s only one problem. Miranda is desperate to right things with her sister and she wants nothing to do with Marko.

Quick Look
By Vanessa Garden
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Seventeen-year-old Miranda has harboured a dark secret that has strained the relationship she once shared with her sister. Before Miranda gets a chance to confess her secret, she’s dragged underwater by a mysterious stranger. Nineteen-year-old Marko is the arrogant king of an underwater city who intends to marry Miranda to keep his crown. There’s only one problem. Miranda is desperate to right things with her sister and she wants nothing to do with Marko.
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