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Justice for Jessica
by Alretha Thomas
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273 5-star reviews! Mousey, overweight Stacey Sullivan would love to trade places with her glamorous socialite BFF, Jessica James—that's until she discovers Jessica murdered in her own home. Whip-smart detective Rachel Storme is ready to exchange her gun and badge for a gardener's hat and hoe. But she reluctantly puts her plans on hold when she's asked to help solve Jessica's murder…

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Justice for Jessica
By Alretha Thomas
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273 5-star reviews! Mousey, overweight Stacey Sullivan would love to trade places with her glamorous socialite BFF, Jessica James—that's until she discovers Jessica murdered in her own home. Whip-smart detective Rachel Storme is ready to exchange her gun and badge for a gardener's hat and hoe. But she reluctantly puts her plans on hold when she's asked to help solve Jessica's murder…
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