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Violent Crimes
by Phillip Margolin
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Dale Masterson, senior partner in a large Portland, Oregon, law firm, has become wealthy and successful representing the interests of oil and coal companies. When his colleague, Christine Larson, is found dead, Masterson’s business practices are put under surveillance and a lower-level employee stands accused. The controversy surrounding the firm is magnified tenfold when Dale is found beaten to death in his mansion.

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Violent Crimes
By Phillip Margolin
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Dale Masterson, senior partner in a large Portland, Oregon, law firm, has become wealthy and successful representing the interests of oil and coal companies. When his colleague, Christine Larson, is found dead, Masterson’s business practices are put under surveillance and a lower-level employee stands accused. The controversy surrounding the firm is magnified tenfold when Dale is found beaten to death in his mansion.
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