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Burke's Gamble
by William F. Brown
Find out more: $1.99 @ AMAZON
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112 5-star reviews. Mild-mannered and slight of build, telecommunications company executive Bob is easily dismissed as the "phone guy." After four tours running ‘special operations’ missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, he’s one of the most lethal killers the US government ever produced. When one of his old NCOs takes a header from the fifth floor of an Atlantic City casino run by the infamous Genovese and Lucchese NY mob families, someone’s going to answer for it.

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Burke's Gamble
By William F. Brown
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$0.99 @ AMAZON
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112 5-star reviews. Mild-mannered and slight of build, telecommunications company executive Bob is easily dismissed as the "phone guy." After four tours running ‘special operations’ missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, he’s one of the most lethal killers the US government ever produced. When one of his old NCOs takes a header from the fifth floor of an Atlantic City casino run by the infamous Genovese and Lucchese NY mob families, someone’s going to answer for it.
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