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Woe for a Faerie
by B. Brumley
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I never had a choice…Until I made one and woke up naked in the middle of Central Park. Wingless. The cost of retribution gouged between my shoulder blades. Now I’ve got to choose between Jason, the priest who’s hiding something, and Arún, the off-world Fae that believes I’m his prophesied queen. Mortality was supposed to be easy.

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Woe for a Faerie
By B. Brumley
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I never had a choice…Until I made one and woke up naked in the middle of Central Park. Wingless. The cost of retribution gouged between my shoulder blades. Now I’ve got to choose between Jason, the priest who’s hiding something, and Arún, the off-world Fae that believes I’m his prophesied queen. Mortality was supposed to be easy.
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